Sunday, July 29, 2007

The mirror of your soul

You wonder where I came I appeared in your life...why I am here? Maybe this was prearranged--you know--to let us know we are here--for each other. Guides through the darkness of today's troubled world. What do you look tall am I that is not important. What is important is I know your fears and you know mine--together we will ignore the counsel of these fears and accomplish that set out for us. At times we may have felt our lives to be aimless as we wandered from one interest to another never settling on one thing or one person and now volumes of acquaintances and readings later our purpose appears. Are we at the end or the beginning...or is that up to us? Will I let you guide me? Can you let me guide you? That, again, is up to us...

1 comment:

carlota said...

Hello, friend.
Hablas de destino, de que quizá las cosas obedecen a algo predeterminado. No hay casualidad. Todo parece tener una función, un sentido.
Parece que sólo nos queda confiar, no desfallecer, alimentar la esperanza.
Y de amistad, hablas de amistad y de encuentros entre personas muy dispares, muy diferentes. O no tanto?
Me ha gustado mucho la simpática foto.
Preciosa reflexión.
Un abrazo.