Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Que es malo/bueno?

We love the bad boys and girls for how they make us feel. Through them we leave behind our mundane, neatly ordered, lawful and boring lives. It how we are made to feel, that is good. They are being bad by going beyond what we would imagine doing. Yet...vicariously--that moment of being bad gives us a fear filled but satisfying moment. The movies give us so many of these moments to shake us out of our well ordered lives for that periodic moment that we seek. Does pain feel good...does it arouse...does it speak of love? For some it is the only language they understand or so it seemed when I watched Ang Lee's Lust,Caution (Se,jie) on DVD. It concerned me to feel excited, aroused during scenes that mixed love with violence. Is there a fine line between the two that I have never seen before...has raw love actually been this brutal but lost in the moment..if so it was never realized? Intrigue, what would I do for a thrill? Oh, have I answered that question many time in my life. To defy...PERIOD. Nothing more nothing less. Just to defy the odds, to match wits to flaunt in defiance regardless of the possible outcome. Ang Lee goes deep inside...pulls you off the couch and leaves one feeling flush...it is very much worth viewing.

1 comment:

carlota said...

Tendré que ver "Lust Caution" para comprender qué te ha hecho sentir todo eso. Sí es cierto que la mezcla de amor y violencia y la reacción que produce en el espectador resulta a veces preocupante. ¿El ser humano es bueno por naturaleza? ¿O, por el contrario, tiene que esforzarse por controlar los "malos" impulsos?
Lo dicho: miraré la película y te daré mi opinión.
Otro abrazo.